Coloradoan story about Train bridge not quite right
The Coloradoan article today (012816) “Train bridge, underpass reality at Lemay-Vine by 2018” misinterpreted Tim Kemp’s comments. The article states “No funding has been identified for construction of the estimated $20 million project. Kemp said [...]
CML’s legislative blog
Colorado Municipal League , known as CML, recently started a legislative blog, which can be found on the CML website or directly on Wordpress. The blog will be periodically updated, and you can enter your [...]
January news letter is ready.
Follow this link for January 2016 newsletter. Have a great day!
Windsor Exit Gateway entry-what to do?
We have a IGA with the Town of Windsor that we would agree on what could and what could not go into those four corners of I-25. The initial agreement says that car dealerships cannot [...]
Last years surplus sales tax $14 million
What happens with all of our surplus tax from last year? 1) I wouldn’t call it a surplus or unanticipated. We intentionally forecast revenue conservatively to avoid having to make budget cuts midyear if revenue is [...]